Siloam Vision and Mission

- ➢ To bring hope and healing to tamariki and whanau suffering the effects of trauma and abuse
- ➢ To enhance the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of our hapori
- ➢ To provide consistent, responsive care based upon best practice methods
- ➢ To focus on successes rather than failure
- ➢ To encourage, develop and support a learning environment for all - tamariki, whanau, and family mentors - learning is never done
- ➢ To provide opportunities for meaningful contribution by all: tamariki, whanau and family mentors alike
- ➢ To advocate for the hurting and voiceless - to assist understanding and non-judgemental, loving acceptance - to journey and grow together
- ➢ To establish intentional families aiming to provide a supportive treatment family context - committed individuals with a sincere interest in involvement can produce a profound, influential and healing family environment